Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Saltwater Crocodile, Predator Biggest and vicious

Crocodylus porosus or estuarine crocodile is the largest crocodile species on planet earth. Just imagine, the average male estuarine crocodile reach 17 feet or five meters and weigh 450 kilograms. Even once encountered specimens measuring seven meters and weigh up to 1,000 kilograms, it is unusual.

Predator was spread almost all over the surface of the earth, from East India, Southeast Asia, and western Australia. It should be noted that the estuarine crocodile is a very good swimmer.

They also scout the patient, the crocodile is capable of a long wait for prey. In fact they were able to jump to pounce on its prey.

Crocodylus porosus able to eat just about anything, as long as fit and able to enter into wide jaw. Usually they are capable of devouring a buffalo, monkeys, wild pigs, sharks, even humans.

It is not a matter of course that estuarine crocodiles prey on humans. But that's the facts that occurred in East Kalimantan in 1996.. Two-ended estuarine crocodiles known as crocodile sengata-man swallowed alive.

The estuarine crocodile (Crocodillus ... estuarine crocodile (Crocodillus porosus) have been prey on humans in 1996 ago. Known also as the crocodile Sangatta, now his body has been preserved and placed in the Museum Kayu Tuah Himba, Tenggarong, East Kalimantan. (Elisabeth Novina)
The first alligator prey Hairani and then ditanggkap March 8, 1996 on the river Kenyamukan, Sengata. While the second crocodiles pounced man named Baddu in Tanjung Limau, Muara Badak and arrested 10 April 1996. This sengata Monster finally preserved and exhibited to the public at the Museum Kayu Tuah Himba Tenggarong.

While in Australia-one of the favorite habitat for estuarine crocodile-call as the saltwater crocodile or saltwater crocodile. In addition to a degree as a crocodile with the body's largest and longest, the crocodile is touted as the most vicious in the world.

As reported National Geographic News, January 2014 ago a 12 year old boy devoured by estuarine crocodiles in northern Australia. At that time, the child is swimming in Kakadu National Park.

At least throughout the past 12 years as many as 30 people including six children reported to be the victim of estuarine crocodiles.

Now Crodylus porosus population estimates range from 200,000 to 300,000 worldwide. Although it is still far from extinction, but their habitat continues to be threatened.

You want to see the monster that swallowed sengata human? Then attend a Cultural Festival Sei Mahakam in Bentara Budaya Jakarta from 6 to 16 November 2014.


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